Title: Soft Diplomacy through Difficult Cultural Heritage: Perspectives from Peacebuilding and Conflict Transformation
Speaker: Dr Banu Pekol (Berghof Foundation)
Registration: click to register
The protection of post-conflict cultural heritage is a field that reaches beyond that of mainstream heritage conservation, involving tensions between subnational minorities, dominant groups, governments and external actors.
This seminar will present how working with cultural heritage can be an added value within peacebuilding and conflict transformation. Banu Pekol, who has more than a decade of experience on such sites in Turkey and currently is working at the Berghof Foundation, will share examples of both pre and post-conflict heritage sites from the perspective of peacebuilding and discuss their role as soft diplomacy with their impact on power dynamics. The talk will also present examples of tools within peacebuilding that can be used for the interpretation, protection and management of such sites of difficult heritage.
Organiser: heritage@arch.cam.ac.uk