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Cambridge Heritage Research Centre



I completed my BA and MPhil in Archaeology at the University of Porto, Portugal. Afterwards, I broadened my expertise by pursuing a second MPhil in World Heritage Studies (Cottbus, Germany). For the thesis, I focused on community involvement in the nomination of archaeological sites as World Heritage. I then worked as an archaeologist and heritage expert in my hometown Macau (SAR of China). For my MPhil in Archaeological Heritage and Museums at the University of Cambridge, I explored the distinction between movable and immovable heritage. Currently, I am a PhD candidate looking at how diaspora communities use heritage to construct and express their identity.




  • Museums & personal collections
  • Migrant associations & diaspora ‘homecomings’
  • Mobilities Paradigm
  • Heritage Policies



Key publications: 

(2018) The Macanese Encontros: remembrance in diaspora ‘homecomings’. In Marschall, S. (Ed.) Memory, Migration and Travel. London: Routledge. Chapter 9.

Teaching and Supervisions

Research supervision: 

PhD Supervisor: Dr. Dacia Viejo-Rose

PhD Advisor: Dr. Mark Elliott


Graduate Member, Cambridge Heritage Research Centre
PhD Student in Archaeology
PhD title: The significance of heritage in dispersed communities: Portuguese and Macanese as a case study
Heritage and Colonialism Discussion Group, Founder/Convener
 Mariana   Pinto Leitão Pereira
Not available for consultancy