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Cambridge Heritage Research Centre



Miriam Saqqa Carazo is a Historian and Physical Anthropologist with strong interests in the history of the forensic sciences and 20th-century politics. She is Margarita Salas Postdoctoral Fellow at the McDonald Institute and a member of the research project “Necropol. From the Forensic Turn to Necropolitics in the Exhumations of Mass Graves from the Civil War” at the University of Barcelona. She got her PhD in History and Archaeology at the Complutense University in Madrid, and for five years, she worked at the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) as a doctoral researcher. She was visiting researcher at the University of Belgrade, Serbia; the University of Cordoba, Argentina; at the Aranzadi Science Society in the Basque Country; and at the University of Oriente, Cuba, where she advised on the creation of the laboratory for physical anthropology studies “Antropos”.


Miriam Saqqa has a strong interest in the history of the forensic sciences and 20th-century politics. Her interdisciplinary background combines history and physical anthropology, focused on forensic and archaeological archives. Saqqa doctoral research is the first study on the exhumation processes in the Spanish Civil War and Franco’s Dictatorship (1936-1951), unveiling how the Dictatorship used human remains politically. Her current project goal is to set the methodological grounds for critical approaches to forensic and archaeological reports produced in the past.


Key publications: 

Sarkic, Natasa & Saqqa Carazo, Miriam (2022) "Autopsy and its role in Franco's dictatorship: a case of last Republican mayor of the town Calera y Chozas (Toledo, Spain)", Forensic Science, Medicine and Pathology, Doi:10.1007/s12024-022-00497-y.

Saqqa Carazo, Miriam (2021) “El perpetrador y su construcción como “víctima”. Los “Mártires y Caídos por Dios y por España”, Quaderns de Filologia: Estudis Literaris, XXVI. Doi: 10.7203/qdfed.26.22105.

Saqqa Carazo, Miriam (2021) “Las Exhumaciones Franquistas. Entender la Guerra y la Dictadura desde la Ciencia Forense”. Box, Z. and Rina, C. (Ed) El Franquismo en Caleidoscopio. Perspectivas y estudios transdisciplinares sobre la Dictadura. Granada: Comares, pp. 209-214. ISBN 978-84-1369-070-4

Saqqa Carazo, Miriam (2020) “Las exhumaciones de los Caídos por Dios y por España: la gestión de los cuerpos”, en J. Andres Blanco, J. Martinez y A.Viñas (Ed.), Luces sobre un pasado deformado. La Guerra Civil ochenta años después. Barcelona: Marcial Pons, pp. 503-524. ISBN 9788417945213

Palacios González, Daniel & Saqqa Carazo, Miriam (2019) “De la exhumación a la monumentalización: Una perspectiva interdisciplinar sobre la legitimación política en España desde el año 2000”, Amnis. Revue d'etudes des sociétés et cultures contemporaines Europe-Amérique, 18,

Saqqa Carazo, Miriam & Palacios González, Daniel (2019) “Spanish civil war mass grave exhumations: Legitimations and de-legitimations in contemporary Spain”. Дискурс легитимации: язык и политика в эпоху глобальных вызовов : монография / Н. В. Грибачева, Д. Диас, А. А. Дорская [и др.] ; под общ. ред. А. В. Колмогоровой. Красноярск : Сиб. pp.142-166. ISBN 978-5-7638-4130-5.

Saqqa Carazo, Miriam (2017) “Mártires y Caídos por Dios y por España: Una aproximación a la gestión de sus cuerpos”, Iratxe Momoitio, Ana Teresa Núñez Monasterio (Ed.) Memorias de guerra, proyectos de paz: violencias y conflictos entre pasado, presente y futuro. San Sebastián: Centro de Documentación sobre el Bombardeo de Gernika: Fundación Museo de la Paz de Gernika, pp. 153-162, ISBN 9788494537967.

Saqqa Carazo, Miriam (2017) “Application of the Maxillary Suture Obliteration Method for estimation of the age at death of prisoners in the Valdenoceda Francoist Prison”, Nataša Miladinović-Radmilović & Ksenija Đukić (Ed.) Bioarchaeology in the Balkans. Markers of occupational stress and other studies. Papers of the Bioarchaeological section of The Serbian Archaeological Society, Beograd: Srpsko arheološko društvo, Blago Sirmijuma. ISBN 978-86-84457-18-1, pp.85-95.

Postdoctoral Member, Cambridge Heritage Research Centre
Margarita Salas Postdoctoral Fellow, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research
Profile Picture of Dr Miriam Saqqa Carazo

Contact Details

Cambridge Heritage Research Centre, Downing Street
Not available for consultancy